Hey, Have you ever wanted to really nail something and yet, something inside stops you and tells you, it won’t go well in spite of your most earnest efforts? That was what it was like for me when I was invited to participate in a podcast and a panel earlier this year… that would be recorded and emailed to participants. Needless to say, I was stressed, unsure of myself and frustrated with myself for it.
My name is Sheila Allen, I am a financial Coach, running my own business and happily married for the past 33 years. Yet, even though I excel in so many areas of my life, public speaking always had me feeling anxious. One on one, I am great, but when it comes to groups, I panic.
Today, I am excited to be able to be sitting in front of this computer sharing about my experiences with Jani White’s coaching and consulting. Before working with her and having her pour into me and encourage, I would not have been able to do this as the fear and anxiety that I felt connected to speak in front of a camera was incredible.
Thankfully after about a month of working with Jani White, who helped me sort out my mind set, helped me prepare and organize what I had to say and how best to get my point across, the podcast and panel went very well. I was still a little nervous but I was able to speak with confidence. Afterwards I felt like I took my power back. Because for so long I had allowed that fear to hold me back. I have had a major breakthrough… that day. And it’s all because of Jani White’s coaching and support.
There are times in life when you have so much that needs to be said but for some reason or another, you just don’t know where to start or you just can’t. Sometimes, you need someone who will just listen, help you sort out your thoughts, and help give voice to your feelings.
My name is Alexis Vazquez. I am a 30 year old special education teacher who recently graduated with a Master’s in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). After 5 years of teaching in a public school district, I decided in 2020, a year that was notoriously rough for many, that I needed to leave.
I began my master’s program and needed to secure an internship placement to complete it. I was told that I may have to quit my job in order to commit to an unpaid internship; that was not an option for me. By chance I was able to find a job that offered me a position in which I could earn my internship hours AND still be paid with benefits. A dream!
Jani listened to all my worries and anxieties. She understood how scary it was to be a woman in my position asking for more than what was being offered. Jani White is excellent at validating your feelings and making you feel heard. Yet, her help does not end there. She will help organize those feelings and thoughts into action plans for the self! She allowed me to see my thoughts in front of me and recognize which were healthy and which were the fears I let live inside my head.
…Money is not everything, but the feeling of being able to confidently and gracefully say that you are worth This, so you demand This, is an empowering feeling. Jani White helped give me grace and the boost in my confidence.
Since my time with Jani, I have taken her lessons into every space I enter. Even if I feel my shy past coming to the surface, I am able to take a deep breath and remember what I worked on with Jani. I would absolutely recommend Jani to help give you the steps in your growth to becoming an advocate for yourself! Prepared to Speak, her signature program with a course and coaching will give you the confidence and the skills to take control of your mindset and be prepared to speak up in any situation.
-Alexis Vazquez
Professor White champions the notion that every student’s voice, whether
spoken or penned, holds immense power. As a faculty member devoted to
student success, she offers a blend of encouragement and challenge,
propelling students to surpass their own expectations. With over two decades in academia, Professor White has worn many hats, including leading the charge on our Interdisciplinary Learning Communities and
steering Speech, English, and Humanities departments towards growth and innovation over her decades long tenure. Her knack for development shone as she expanded the Honors program, adding 18 new courses aligned with prestigious standards, fostering an enriching environment through speaker events, showcases,
and transfer talks that opened Ivy League doors for many.
Her expertise extends beyond campus borders; Professor White is a
recognized voice in Honors Education and more at national and international forums. Notably, she’s also lent her talents to caregivers through memoir workshops aimed at therapeutic writing. Her work has not only enhanced academic offerings but also fortified partnerships with local universities and provided solace to those caring for our veterans.